Cerebral Visual Impairment (CVI) is defined as bilateral visual impairment caused by damage to the posterior visual pathway, visual cortex or both. (Watson, et al, 2007; Malkowicz, et al, 2006; Hoyt, 2003; Jan & Groenveld 1993) (Fig. 1) There are many causes of CVI; the most common is Hypoxic-ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE). Other causes of CVI include infections, central nervous system malformations, neurological disorders, epilepsy, metabolic and neurodegenerative disorders, cerebral infarct or trauma. (Groenveld, et al, 1990; Jan & Groenveld, 1993; Morse, et al, 1990; Ek, et al, 2003; Malkowicz, et al, 2006)
CVI is clearly the most common cause of visual impairment in young children in developed countries. (Dutton et al, 1996; Hoyt, 2003; Jugnoo & Noriko, 2003; Rosenberg et al, 1996) In 1994 Chile, 2.1% children are diagnosed as CVI. In Huo’s 1999 study, 2.4% of 7,200 patients are examined as CVI in United Stated. In Hatton’s study published in eight years later, CVI dramatically increase to 24% of 1943 patients (quotated in National registry) examined in United Stated. In Northern Ireland, Belfast’s study revealed 45% of 76 patients are found to be CVI in the community. One of the reasons explaining the dramatic increase is the improvement in brain imaging techniques like Magnetic Resonance Imaging, MRI; Computed Tomography, CT Scan; Visual evoked potential, VEP & Electroencephalography (EEG), (Alexander, 1990; Good, et al, 2001; Widdig, et al, 2003; Watson, et al, 2007; Ro & Rafal, 2006) Second reason is the increased researches investigating this area were published in recent decade. These provoke the recognition of Medical officers in diagnosing CVI. Third reason is thanks to the advanced medical technologies like Hypothermia (Zanelli et al, 2008) in treating children with perinatal Hypoxic-ischemic Encephalopathy, HIE. The mortality rate was 16% in Canada from 1996 to 1997 while it was 10% in US in 2005 to 2006.
Alexander, P. K. (1990) The effects of brain damage on visual functioning in children, Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, September, 372-376
Cohen-Maitre, S. A. & Haerich, P. (2005) Visual attention to movement and color in children with cortical visual impairment. Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, July, 389-402
Dutton, G. N. (2003) Cognitive vision, its disorders and differential diagnosis in adults and children: knowing where and what things are. Eye, 17, 289-304
Dutton, G., Ballantyne, J., Boyd, G., Bradnam, M., Day, R., McCulloch, D., Mackie, R., Phillips, S., & Saunders, K. (1996). Cortical visual dysfunction in children: A clinical study. Eye, 10, 302-309.
Dutton, G.N. (2003). Cognitive vision, its disorders and differential diagnosis in adults and children: Knowing where and what things are. Eye, 17, 289-304.
Dutton, G. N. (2003) Visual problem in children with damage to the brain. Visual Impairment Research, Visual Impairment Research, Vol.4, No.2, 113-121.
Dutton, G.N., Saaed, A., Fahad, B., Fraser, R., Madaid, G., Mcdade, J., Mackintosh, A., Rane, T., & Spowart, K. (2004). Association of binocular lower visual field impairment, impaired simultaneous perception, disordered visually guided motion and inaccurate saccades in children with cerebral visual dysfunction – A retrospective observational study. Eye, 18, 27-34.
Ek. U, Fellenius, K. & Jacobson, L. (2003) Reading acquisition, cognitive and visual development, and self-esteem in four children with cerebral visual impairment, Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, December, 741 – 754.
Good, W. V., Jan, J. E., Burden, S. K., Skoczenski, A. & Candy, R. (2001) Recent advances in cortical visual impairment. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 43, 56-60
Groenveld, M., Jan, J. E. & Leader, P. (1990) Observations on the habilitation of children with cortical visual impairment. Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, 84, 11-15.
Hyvarien, L. (2005) CVI lecture series. Logan, UT: SKY-HI Institute, HOPE Inc
Hoyt, C.S. (2003). Visual function in the brain-damaged child. Eye, 17, 369-384.
Huo, R., Burden, S.K., Hoyt, C.S., & Good, W.V. (1999). Chronic cortical visual impairment in children: Aetiology, prognosis, and associated neurological deficits. British Journal of Ophthalmology, 83(6), 670-675.
Jan, J.E., & Groenveld, M. (1993). Visual behaviors and adaptations associated with cortical and ocular impairment in children. Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, April, 101-105.
Zanelli, S. A., Naylor, M., Dobbins, N. (2008) Implementation of a “hypothermia for HIE” program: 2-year experience in a single NICU. Journal of Perinatology, 2(28), 171–175.